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Friday, 27 September 2013

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NTSE Madhya Pradesh Syllabus 2013 First Stage

Preparing For Ntse First Stage From Madhya Pradesh ?
Thinking about what to read and what not to read ?

We will Tell you about the course coming in Ntse MP 2013 . As we all know there is no prescribed syllabus for NTSE . Only this is given in official MP Circular that exam will carry 9th and 10th syllabus .

Now from analysis of previous year papers we have reached to this point that the paper does not comes all from the NCERT book . There are many questions out from the NCERT book . After more deeply searching we got to know that the Paper had several questions from MP Board Books . NTSE comprises of following section : 

  1. MAT -: Mental Ability Test . Some reasoning questions are asked in this part that is quite easy in Madhya Pradesh Level . It comprises of 50 Marks .
  2. English -: From this year onwards English is also included in first stage and will play an important role in selection process . In our thinking it will only carry Passage type questions and other Grammar Sections . But Still English is containing a large portion of 40 Marks !
  3. SAT -; Scholastic Aptitude Test . It is further divided in 3 parts -
  4. SST -:  Dear students if you are from any state please read Class 9th and 10th Ncert Books + State Level Books . It is must because Social will come of 40 marks . Please read Mp Board books if you are from MP .
  5. Science :- If you study only NCERT books deeply then also you will be able to pass Science easily and it is also of 40 Marks . 
  6. Maths :- Most students are worried about Maths and studies it the most of the time , but in case of NTSE maths is the most easiest subject . If you are an average student of your class then you can get full marks in Maths easily which is 20 Marks .


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