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Sunday, 17 November 2013

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NTSE Andhra Pradesh Cut OFF Stage 1st 2013 { Paper held on 17th Nov 2013 }

Andhra Pradesh Expected Cut Off ( Updated on 18th Nov. 8:00 pm )

Average Marks in -->

MAT - More than 46
Language ( English ) - 35 to 38
SAT - 67 to 70

Expected Cut OFF :  145 - 150

If you have also given the paper Please Its A humble request from us to you to submit your expected Marks Here

Please check this link regularly because we update the cut off based on the responses !


  1. Thanx for giving expected cutoff. But last year it was 164 then how it will go to so down level that is 143 for AP.

  2. thank you sir., We got information that cut off is 152 .. i am not sure

  3. Aryan classes cut off is 163. Frankly I think that cut off is way too high
